The overall process of photosynthesis takes place in four stages. The first, energy transfer in antenna chlorophyll takes place in the femtosecond [1 femtosecond (fs) = 10,−15 s] to picosecond [1 picosecond (ps) = 10−12 s] time scale. The next phase, the transfer of electrons in photochemical reactions, takes place in the picosecond to nanosecond time scale [1 nanosecond (ns) = 10−9 s]. The third phase, the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis, takes place on the microsecond [1 microsecond (μs) = 10−6 s] to millisecond [1 millisecond (ms) = 10−3 s) time scale. The final phase is carbon fixation and export of stable products and takes place in the millisecond to second time scale. The first three stages occur in the thylakoid membranes.
ternyata banyak sekali peristiwa yang terjadi dalam 1 detik ya ...
ternyata banyak sekali peristiwa yang terjadi dalam 1 detik ya ...
Oki: jangan sia-siakan waktu yang telah diberikan kepada kita.
BalasHapusAyo kita tingkatkan kemanfaatan aktivitas kita.
Satu detik punya ribuan, bahkan jutaan part. Tiap part punya part atau bagian lagi. Ada dimensi pula di sana. Jadi .... satu detik bukan sekadar satu, tetapi satu yang memiliki banyak part.
BalasHapusHehehehehe .... tiru-tiru Kenang, rada ngilmiah.